Not sure why I didn’t respond when you asked.
There are many former, senior and influential Republicans who have publicly left the party and voted Democratic in the 2016 election and continue to assert the need to do so in 2020. Related to this, polling shows that while party commitment dropped on both sides, it dropped quite a bit more for the Republicans. At present, only 26% of eligible voters consider themselves Republican and another 13% of Independents almost always vote that way. That combined 39% compares to 48% for similar math for the Democratic Party.
At a state level especially in Florida and Texas, Republican politicians are openly accepting climate change and talking about solutions. Similarly, there are multiple Republicans in a bi-partisan climate solutions caucus and a conservative organization formed by former Republican politicians is promoting a carbon fee and dividend.
There are many conservatives who are actually conservative, but modern members of society in the United States. They are not represented by the Republican Party, they aren’t bigots, they think Fox and Breitbart are negatives and think Trump must go. While propaganda and denial of reality can go a long way, reality continues to be real. A brick wall is coming for a lot of core Republicans, one that they are speeding toward.