There are a few chunks to agricultural emissions, and they must be separated out.
• Ammonia fertilizers decarbonized through green hydrogen.
• Ammonia fertilizers reduced through precision agriculture.
• Ammonia fertilizer NOx reduced through precision agriculture.
• Soil emissions of carbon reduced through low-tillage agriculture.
• Harvesting emissions reduced through electrification of farming equipment.
• Process heat emissions reduced use through electrification of heat.
• Distribution emissions reduced through electrified transportation.
My projection is that by 2050 agricultural emissions for waste stalk biomass biofuels will approach zero.
Stalk waste, food waste and livestock dung diversion to biofuels will significantly reduce anaerobic decomposition which creates very high GWP methane, and create biofuels which return CO2 to the atmosphere.
The perfect is the enemy of the vastly better.